5CDP: 2.45a Structure Of Etoposide With S.Aureus Dna Gyrase And Dn
reference: Crystallization and initial crystallographic analysis of covalent DNA-cleavage complexes of Staphyloccocus aureus DNA gyrase with QPT-1, moxifloxacin and etoposide., Srikannathasan V, Wohlkonig A, Shillings A, Singh O, Chan PF, Huang J, Gwynn MN, Fosberry AP, Homes P, Hibbs M, Theobald AJ, Spitzfaden C, Bax BD, Acta Crystallogr F Struct Biol Commun. 2015 Oct 1;71(Pt 10):1242-6. doi:, 10.1107/S2053230X15015290. Epub 2015 Sep 23. PMID: 26457513

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