# OCA database search on: Sat Jul 27 06:06:34 2024
# Query: ex=any&id=go:0005044&idns=go&m=du
# Hits: 37 (search time 2 sec)
2XR9     Crystal Structure Of Autotaxin (Enpp2)        Kamtekar          2.05 2010-09-13   
2XRC     Human Complement Factor I                     Roversi           2.69 2010-09-13   
3NKM     Crystal Structure Of Mouse Autotaxin          Nishimasu         2.00 2010-06-20   
3NKN     Crystal Structure Of Mouse Autotaxin In C ... Nishimasu         1.80 2010-06-20   
3NKO     Crystal Structure Of Mouse Autotaxin In C ... Nishimasu         1.75 2010-06-20   
3NKP     Crystal Structure Of Mouse Autotaxin In C ... Nishimasu         1.75 2010-06-20   
3NKQ     Crystal Structure Of Mouse Autotaxin In C ... Nishimasu         1.70 2010-06-20   
3NKR     Crystal Structure Of Mouse Autotaxin In C ... Nishimasu         1.70 2010-06-20   
3WAV     Crystal Structure Of Autotaxin In Complex ... Nishimasu         1.80 2013-05-09   
3WAW     Crystal Structure Of Autotaxin In Complex ... Nishimasu         1.95 2013-05-09   
3WAX     Crystal Structure Of Autotaxin In Complex ... Nishimasu         1.90 2013-05-09   
3WAY     Crystal Structure Of Autotaxin In Complex ... Nishimasu         1.75 2013-05-09   
4B56     Structure Of Ectonucleotide Pyrophosphata ... Jansen            3.00 2012-08-02   
4ZG7     Structural Basis For Inhibition Of Human  ... Stein             1.75 2015-04-22   
5DLT     Crystal Structure Of Autotaxin (Enpp2) Wi ... Hausmann          1.60 2015-09-07   
5DLV     Crystal Structure Of Autotaxin (Enpp2) Wi ... Keune             2.00 2015-09-07   
5DLW     Crystal Structure Of Autotaxin (Enpp2) Wi ... Keune             1.80 2015-09-07   
5HRT     Crystal Structure Of Mouse Autotaxin In C ... Kato              2.00 2016-01-24   
5IJQ     Crystal Structure Of Autotaxin (Enpp2) Re ... Hausmann          2.05 2016-03-02   
5IJS     Crystal Structure Of Autotaxin With Ortho ... Hausmann          2.20 2016-03-02   
5INH     Crystal Structure Of Autotaxin/Enpp2 With ... Klein             1.84 2016-03-07   
5L0K     Crystal Structure Of Autotaxin And Compou ... Durbin            2.73 2016-07-27   
5LIA     Crystal Structure Of Murine Autotaxin In  ... Turnbull          1.92 2016-07-14   
5LQQ     Structure Of Autotaxin (Enpp2) With Lm350     Keune             2.40 2016-08-17   
5M0D     Structure-Based Evolution Of A Hybrid Ste ... Keune             2.40 2016-10-04   
5M0E     Structure-Based Evolution Of A Hybrid Ste ... Keune             1.95 2016-10-04   
5M0M     Structure-Based Evolution Of A Hybrid Ste ... Keune             2.10 2016-10-05   
5M0S     Structure-Based Evolution Of A Hybrid Ste ... Keune             2.10 2016-10-05   
5OHI     Crystal Structure Of Autotaxin In Complex ... Hoerer            1.66 2017-07-17   
5OLB     Crystal Structure Of Autotaxin In Complex ... Hoerer            1.82 2017-07-27   
6LEH     Crystal Structure Of Autotaxin In Complex ... Nishimasu         2.00 2019-11-25   
6W35     A New Autotaxin Inhibitor For The Treatme ... Cuozzo            1.98 2020-03-09   
6WET     Crystal Structures Of Human E-Npp 1: Apo      Peat              2.60 2020-04-02   
6WEU     Crystal Structures Of Human E-Npp 1: Boun ... Peat              2.65 2020-04-03   
6WEV     Crystal Structures Of Human E-Npp 1: Boun ... Peat              2.90 2020-04-03   
6WEW     Crystal Structures Of Human E-Npp 1: Boun ... Peat              2.73 2020-04-03   
6WFJ     Crystal Structures Of Human E-Npp 1: Apo      Peat              2.50 2020-04-03   

OCA© by Jaime Prilusky, 1996-2013,2015,2021,2024
Bioinformatics Unit
Weizmann Institute of Science