PMID: 12636914
Collins BM, Watson PJ, Owen DJ
The structure of the GGA1-GAT domain reveals the molecular basis for ARF binding and membrane association of GGAs.
Dev Cell. 2003 Mar;4(3):321-32.
The GGAs are a family of clathrin adaptor proteins involved in vesicular transport between the trans-Golgi network and endosomal system. Here we confirm reports that GGAs are targeted to the Golgi via interaction between the GGA-GAT domain and ARF-GTP, and we present the structure of the GAT domain of human GGA1, completing the structural description of the folded domains of GGA proteins. The GGA-GAT domain possesses an all alpha-helical fold with a "paper clip" topology comprising two independent subdomains. Structure-based mutagenesis demonstrates that ARF1-GTP binding by GGAs is exclusively governed by the N-terminal "hook" subdomain, and, using an in vitro recruitment assay, we show that ARF-GTP binding by this small structure is required and sufficient for Golgi targeting of GGAs.