PMID: 17696316 , Related PDB ids: 2QOU, 2QOV, 2QOW, 2QOX, 2QOY, 2QOZ, 2QP0, 2QP1
Borovinskaya MA, Shoji S, Holton JM, Fredrick K, Cate JH
A steric block in translation caused by the antibiotic spectinomycin.
ACS Chem Biol. 2007 Aug 17;2(8):545-52. Epub 2007 Aug 10.
The widely used antibiotic spectinomycin inhibits bacterial protein synthesis by blocking translocation of messenger RNA and transfer RNAs on the ribosome. Here, we show that in crystals of the Escherichia coli 70S ribosome spectinomycin binding traps a distinct swiveling state of the head domain of the small ribosomal subunit. Spectinomycin also alters the rate and completeness of reverse translocation in vitro. These structural and biochemical data indicate that in solution spectinomycin sterically blocks swiveling of the head domain of the small ribosomal subunit and thereby disrupts the translocation cycle.