PMID: 21819146
Nudelman I, Akabayov SR, Scherf T, Anglister J
Observation of intermolecular interactions in large protein complexes by 2D-double difference NOESY: application to the 44 kDa interferon-receptor complex.
J Am Chem Soc. 2011 Aug 8.
NMR detection of intermolecular interactions between protons in large protein complexes is very challenging since it is difficult to distinguish between weak NOEs from intermolecular interactions and the much larger number of strong intramolecular NOEs. This challenging task is exacerbated by the decrease in signal-to-noise ratio in the often used isotope-edited and isotope-filtered experiments as a result of enhanced T2 relaxation. Here we calculate a double difference spectrum that shows exclusively intermolecular NOEs and manifests the good signal-to-noise ratio in 2D homonuclear NOESY spectra even for large proteins. The method is straightforward and results in a complete picture of all intermolecular interactions involving non exchangeable protons. Ninety seven such 1H-1H NOEs were assigned for the 44 KDa interferon-alpha2/IFNAR2 complex and used for docking these two proteins. The symmetry of the difference spectrum, its superb resolution and unprecedented signal-to-noise ratio in this large protein/receptor complex suggest that this method is generally applicable to study large biopolymeric complexes.