# OCA database search on: Fri Oct 18 09:48:35 2024
# Query: ex=any&ht=3fg&m=du
# Hits: 37 (search time 1 sec)
1AA5     Vancomycin                                    Loll              0.89 1997-01-23   
1C0Q     Complex Of Vancomycin With 2-Acetoxy-D-Pr ... Loll              1.00 1999-07-20   
1C0R     Complex Of Vancomycin With D-Lactic Acid      Loll              1.00 1999-07-20   
1FVM     Complex Of Vancomycin With Di-Acetyl-Lys- ... Nitanai           1.80 2000-09-20   
1GAC     NMR Structure Of Asymmetric Homodimer Of  ... Kline                  1995-05-24   
1GHG     Crystal Structure Of Vancomycin Aglycon       Kaplan            0.98 2000-12-13   
1GO6     Balhimycin In Complex With Lys-D-Ala-D-Ala    Lehmann           0.98 2001-10-19   
1HH3     Decaplanin First P21-Form                     Lehmann           1.00 2000-12-19   
1HHA     Decaplanin First P6122-Form                   Lehmann           1.90 2000-12-22   
1HHC     Crystal Structure Of Decaplanin - Space G ... Lehmann           1.13 2000-12-22   
1HHF     Decaplanin Second P6122-Form                  Lehmann           1.47 2000-12-22   
1HHU     Balhimycin In Complex With D-Ala-D-Ala        Lehmann           0.89 2000-12-28   
1HHY     Deglucobalhimycin In Complex With D-Ala-D-Ala Lehmann           0.89 2000-12-29   
1HHZ     Deglucobalhimycin In Complex With Cell Wa ... Lehmann           0.99 2000-12-29   
1PN3     Crystal Structure Of Tdp-Epi-Vancosaminyl ... Mulichak          2.80 2003-06-12   
1PNV     Crystal Structure Of Tdp-Epi-Vancosaminyl ... Mulichak          2.80 2003-06-13   
1QD8     Complex Of Vancomycin With N-Acetyl Glycine   Loll              1.00 1999-07-15   
1RRV     X-Ray Crystal Structure Of Tdp-Vancosamin ... Mulichak          2.00 2003-12-09   
1SHO     Crystal Structure Of Vancomycin At Atomic ... Sheldrick         1.09 1997-07-23   
2XAD     Crystal Structure Of Deacetylase-Teicopla ... Chan              1.70 2010-03-31   
3MG9     Teg 12 Binary Structure Complexed With Th ... Bick              2.27 2010-04-05   
3MGB     Teg 12 Ternary Structure Complexed With P ... Bick              2.04 2010-04-05   
3RUN     New Strategy To Analyze Structures Of Gly ... Economou          1.40 2011-05-05   
3VFJ     The Structure Of Monodechloro-Teicoplanin ... Economou          2.05 2012-01-09   
3VFK     The Structure Of Monodechloro-Teicoplanin ... Economou          2.80 2012-01-09   
4EEC     Crystal Structure Of Glycopeptide Antibio ... Shi               2.70 2012-03-28   
4MFL     The Crystal Structure Of Acyltransferase  ... Lyu               1.90 2013-08-28   
4MFP     The Crystal Structure Of Acyltransferase  ... Lyu               2.15 2013-08-28   
4MFQ     The Crystal Structure Of Acyltransferase  ... Lyu               2.00 2013-08-28   
4PJZ     Crystal Structure Of T4 Lysozyme-Gss-Pept ... Han               1.87 2014-05-13   
4PK0     Crystal Structure Of T4 Lysozyme-Peptide  ... Han               2.30 2014-05-13   
5AWV     Crystal Structure Of Glycopeptide Hexose  ... Liu               1.93 2015-07-09   
5M2H     Crystal Structure Of Vancomycin-Zn(II)-Ci ... Zarkan            0.95 2016-10-13   
5M2K     Crystal Structure Of Vancomycin-Zn(II) Co ... Zarkan            1.00 2016-10-13   
6TOV     Crystal Structure Of Teicoplanin Aglycone     Belviso           0.77 2019-12-12   
7C4U     Microed Structure Of Orthorhombic Vancomy ... Fan               1.20 2020-05-18   
7C4V     Microed Structure Of Anorthic Vancomycin  ... Fan               1.05 2020-05-18   

OCA© by Jaime Prilusky, 1996-2013,2015,2021,2024
Bioinformatics Unit
Weizmann Institute of Science