# OCA database search on: Sun Sep  8 02:18:25 2024
# Query: ex=any&ht=a5p&m=du
# Hits: 16 (search time 1 sec)
1FWW     Aquifex Aeolicus Kdo8p Synthase In Comple ... Duewel            1.85 2000-09-24   
1FXQ     Aquifex Aeolicus Kdo8p Synthase In Comple ... Duewel            1.80 2000-09-26   
1FY6     Aquifex Aeolicus Kdo8p Synthase In Comple ... Duewel            1.89 2000-09-28   
1LRQ     Aquifex Aeolicus Kdo8p Synthase H185g Mut ... Wang              1.80 2002-05-15   
1T8X     R106g Kdo8ps With Pep And A5p                 Gatti             1.80 2004-05-13   
1UJ6     Crystal Structure Of Thermus Thermophilus ... Hamada            1.74 2003-07-26   
2A2I     Aquifex Aeolicus Kdo8ps In Complex With P ... Kona              1.95 2005-06-22   
2CXP     Crystal Structure Of Mouse Amf / A5p Complex  Tanaka            1.70 2005-06-30   
2EF9     Structural And Mechanistic Changes Along  ... Kona              2.00 2007-02-22   
2NWS     Structural And Mechanistic Changes Along  ... Kona              1.80 2006-11-16   
2NX3     Structural And Mechanistic Changes Along  ... Kona              2.10 2006-11-16   
2NXG     Structural And Mechanistic Changes Along  ... Kona              1.95 2006-11-17   
3TMQ     Crystal Structure Of A 2-Dehydro-3-Deoxyp ... Seattle Struc ... 2.10 2011-08-31   
3UND     Substrate-Bound Crystal Structure Of 2-De ... Seattle Struc ... 2.10 2011-11-15   
3UPB     1.5 Angstrom Resolution Crystal Structure ... Light             1.50 2011-11-17   
5UQI     E. Coli Cft073 C3406 In Complex With A5p      Cech              1.62 2017-02-08   

OCA© by Jaime Prilusky, 1996-2013,2015,2021,2024
Bioinformatics Unit
Weizmann Institute of Science