# OCA database search on: Sun Sep  8 02:34:21 2024
# Query: ex=any&ht=adn&m=du
# Hits: 181 (search time 1 sec)
1BX4     Structure Of Human Adenosine Kinase At 1. ... Mathews           1.50 1998-10-13   
1D4F     Crystal Structure Of Recombinant Rat-Live ... Komoto            2.80 2000-06-22   
1DGM     Crystal Structure Of Adenosine Kinase Fro ... Cook              1.80 1999-11-24   
1FMO     Crystal Structure Of A Polyhistidine-Tagg ... Narayana          2.20 1997-07-08   
1HO5     5'-Nucleotidase (E. Coli) In Complex With ... Knoefel           2.10 2000-12-08   
1JDV     Crystal Structure Of 5'-Deoxy-5'-Methylth ... Appleby           2.00 2001-06-15   
1JG2     Crystal Structure Of L-Isoaspartyl (D-Asp ... Griffith          1.50 2001-06-22   
1JG3     Crystal Structure Of L-Isoaspartyl (D-Asp ... Griffith          2.10 2001-06-22   
1LII     Structure Of T. Gondii Adenosine Kinase B ... Schumacher        1.73 2002-04-17   
1LIK     Structure Of T. Gondii Adenosine Kinase B ... Schumacher        2.55 2002-04-17   
1MRG     Studies On Crystal Structures Active Cent ... Huang             1.80 1994-07-01   
1MRJ     Studies On Crystal Structures Active Cent ... Huang             1.60 1994-07-01   
1MUO     Crystal Structure Of Aurora-2, An Oncogen ... Cheetham          2.90 2002-09-24   
1N3Z     Crystal Structure Of [S-Carboxyamidomethy ... Sica              1.65 2002-10-30   
1ODI     Purine Nucleoside Phosphorylase From Ther ... Tahirov           2.40 2003-02-19   
1PG2     Methionyl-tRNA Synthetase From Escherichi ... Crepin            1.75 2003-05-27   
1PK7     Crystal Structure Of E. Coli Purine Nucle ... Bennett           2.50 2003-06-05   
1Q97     The Structure Of Saccharomyces Cerevisiae ... Nolen             2.30 2003-08-22   
1RMT     Crystal Structure Of Apha Class B Acid Ph ... Calderone         1.40 2003-11-28   
1UAY     Crystal Structure Of Type II 3-Hydroxyacy ... Kunishima         1.40 2003-03-25   
1V8B     Crystal Structure Of A Hydrolase              Tanaka            2.40 2004-01-03   
1VHW     Crystal Structure Of Purine Nucleoside Ph ... Structural Ge ... 1.54 2003-12-01   
1WU8     Crystal Structure Of Project Ph0463 From  ... Shimizu           2.60 2004-12-02   
1XWF     K185n Mutated S-Adenosylhomocysteine Hydr ... Yamada            2.80 2004-11-01   
1YI4     Structure Of Pim-1 Bound To Adenosine         Jacobs            2.40 2005-01-11   
1Z37     Crystal Structure Of Trichomonas Vaginali ... Zhang             2.90 2005-03-10   
2A8T     2.1 Angstrom Crystal Structure Of Complex ... Scarsdale         2.10 2005-07-08   
2AC7     Crystal Structure Of Adenosine Phosphoryl ... Rinaldo-Matthis   1.70 2005-07-18   
2B82     Crystal Structure Of Apha Class B Acid Ph ... Calderone         1.25 2005-10-06   
2B8J     Crystal Structure Of Apha Class B Acid Ph ... Calderone         2.03 2005-10-07   
2C49     Crystal Structure Of Methanocaldococcus J ... Arnfors           1.92 2005-10-17   
2DOJ     Crystal Structure Of Complex Of C-Termina ... Singh             2.40 2006-04-30   
2EJF     Crystal Structure Of Biotin Protein Ligas ... Bagautdinov       2.00 2007-03-16   
2EJG     Crystal Structure Of Biotin Protein Ligas ... Bagautdinov       2.71 2007-03-16   
2EVA     Structural Basis For The Interaction Of T ... Brown             2.00 2005-10-31   
2FQY     Pnra From Treponema Pallidum Complexed Wi ... Brautigam         1.90 2006-01-18   
2GL0     Structure Of Pae2307 In Complex With Aden ... Lott              2.25 2006-04-04   
2JC9     Crystal Structure Of Human Cytosolic 5'-N ... Wallden           1.50 2006-12-21   
2KQD     First Pbz Domain Of Human Aplf Protein In ... Neuhaus                2009-11-04   
2KQE     Second Pbz Domain Of Human Aplf Protein I ... Neuhaus                2009-11-04   
2OA1     Crystal Structure Of Rebh, A Fad-Dependen ... Bitto             2.15 2006-12-14   
2PGF     Crystal Structure Of Adenosine Deaminase  ... Larson            1.89 2007-04-09   
2PKM     Crystal Structure Of M Tuberculosis Adeno ... Reddy             1.90 2007-04-17   
2Q6K     Sall With Adenosine                           Pojer             1.55 2007-06-05   
2Q83     Crystal Structure Of Ytaa (2635576) From  ... JCSG              2.50 2007-06-08   
2W03     Co-Complex Structure Of Achromobactin Syn ... Schmelz           2.95 2008-08-08   
2X0P     Co-Complex Structure Of Alcaligin Biosynt ... Schmelz           2.10 2009-12-16   
2X1L     Crystal Structure Of Mycobacterium Smegma ... Ingvarsson        2.30 2009-12-31   
2YDO     Thermostabilised Human A2a Receptor With  ... Lebon             3.00 2011-03-23   
2ZBU     Crystal Structure Of Uncharacterized Cons ... Ebihara           2.10 2007-10-30   
2ZBV     Crystal Structure Of Uncharacterized Cons ... Ebihara           2.05 2007-10-30   
2ZGW     Crystal Structure Of Biotin Protein Ligas ... Bagautdinov       1.50 2008-01-28   
3AXZ     Crystal Structure Of Haemophilus Influenz ... Yoshida           2.25 2011-04-21   
3AY0     Crystal Structure Of Methanocaldococcus J ... Goto-Ito          3.05 2011-04-21   
3CE6     Crystal Structure Of Mycobacterium Tuberc ... Reddy             1.60 2008-02-28   
3F8W     Crystal Structure Of Schistosoma Mansoni  ... Pereira           2.30 2008-11-13   
3FUU     T. Thermophilus 16s Rrna A1518 And A1519  ... Demirci           1.53 2009-01-14   
3G1U     Crystal Structure Of Leishmania Major S-A ... Siponen           2.20 2009-01-30   
3GRV     Crystal Structure Of Complex Between Aden ... Scarsdale         1.90 2009-03-26   
3H9U     S-Adenosyl Homocysteine Hydrolase (Sahh)  ... Siponen           1.90 2009-04-30   
3KW2     Crystal Structure Of Probable Rrna-Methyl ... Ramagopal         2.00 2009-11-30   
3N58     Crystal Structure Of S-Adenosyl-L-Homocys ... Seattle Struc ... 2.39 2010-05-24   
3O0Q     Thermotoga Maritima Ribonucleotide Reduct ... Larsson           1.80 2010-07-19   
3O1C     High Resolution Crystal Structure Of Hist ... Dolot             1.08 2010-07-21   
3O1X     High Resolution Crystal Structure Of Hist ... Dolot             1.08 2010-07-22   
3OI8     The Crystal Structure Of Functionally Unk ... Zhang             1.99 2010-08-18   
3OND     Crystal Structure Of Lupinus Luteus S-Ade ... Brzezinski        1.17 2010-08-28   
3QGZ     Re-Investigated High Resolution Crystal S ... Dolot             1.10 2011-01-25   
3QWU     Putative Atp-Dependent DNA Ligase From Aq ... Osipiuk           2.35 2011-02-28   
3REQ     Methylmalonyl-Coa Mutase, Substrate-Free  ... Evans             2.70 1997-12-04   
3U40     Crystal Structure Of A Purine Nucleoside  ... Edwards           2.05 2011-10-06   
3UAW     Crystal Structure Of Adenosine Phosphoryl ... Dessanti          1.20 2011-10-22   
3UAY     Crystal Structure Of Bacillus Cereus Aden ... Dessanti          1.40 2011-10-22   
3UBO     The Crystal Structure Of Adenosine Kinase ... Zhang             2.60 2011-10-24   
3UQ6     Adenosine Kinase From Schistosoma Mansoni ... Romanello         2.30 2011-11-19   
3VAQ     Adenosine Kinase From Schistosoma Mansoni ... Romanello         2.44 2011-12-29   
3VAS     Adenosine Kinase From Schistosoma Mansoni ... Romanello         2.26 2011-12-29   
3WDM     Crystal Structure Of 4-Phosphopantoate-Be ... Kishimoto         2.00 2013-06-19   
3ZTV     Structure Of Haemophilus Influenzae Nad N ... Garavaglia        1.30 2011-07-12   
4CKI     Crystal Structure Of Oncogenic Ret Tyrosi ... Plaza-Menacho     2.12 2014-01-06   
4CKJ     Crystal Structure Of Ret Tyrosine Kinase  ... Plaza-Menacho     1.65 2014-01-06   
4D9H     Crystal Structure Of Hexameric Purine Nuc ... Giuseppe          1.91 2012-01-11   
4DC3     Adenosine Kinase From Schistosoma Mansoni ... Romanello         2.40 2012-01-17   
4DT8     Crystal Structure Of Aminoglycoside-2''-P ... Shi               2.15 2012-02-20   
4DTA     Crystal Structure Of F95m Aminoglycoside- ... Shi               2.35 2012-02-20   
4E3A     Crystal Structure Of Probable Sugar Kinas ... Malashkevich      1.63 2012-03-09   
4H2F     Human Ecto-5'-Nucleotidase (Cd73): Crysta ... Straeter          1.85 2012-09-12   
4H2G     Human Ecto-5'-Nucleotidase (Cd73): Crysta ... Straeter          1.55 2012-09-12   
4IMA     The Structure Of C436m-Hlpyk In Complex W ... Zhang             1.95 2013-01-02   
4IP7     Structure Of S12d Variant Of Human Liver  ... Holyoak           1.80 2013-01-09   
4JKS     Crystal Structure Of Probable Sugar Kinas ... Malashkevich      1.51 2013-03-11   
4JKU     Crystal Structure Of Probable Sugar Kinas ... Malashkevich      1.51 2013-03-11   
4K87     Crystal Structure Of Human Prolyl-tRNA Sy ... Hwang             2.30 2013-04-18   
4K8C     Crystal Structure Of Probable Sugar Kinas ... Malashkevich      1.51 2013-04-18   
4K8K     Crystal Structure Of Probable Sugar Kinas ... Malashkevich      1.50 2013-04-18   
4K8P     Crystal Structure Of Probable Sugar Kinas ... Malashkevich      1.50 2013-04-18   
4K8T     Crystal Structure Of Probable Sugar Kinas ... Malashkevich      1.70 2013-04-18   
4K93     Crystal Structure Of Probable Sugar Kinas ... Malashkevich      1.50 2013-04-19   
4K9C     Crystal Structure Of Probable Sugar Kinas ... Malashkevich      1.50 2013-04-19   
4K9I     Crystal Structure Of Probable Sugar Kinas ... Malashkevich      1.70 2013-04-19   
4KAD     Crystal Structure Of Probable Sugar Kinas ... Malashkevich      1.70 2013-04-22   
4KAH     Crystal Structure Of Probable Sugar Kinas ... Malashkevich      1.80 2013-04-22   
4KAL     Crystal Structure Of Probable Sugar Kinas ... Malashkevich      1.50 2013-04-22   
4KAN     Crystal Structure Of Probable Sugar Kinas ... Malashkevich      1.51 2013-04-22   
4KBE     Crystal Structure Of Probable Sugar Kinas ... Malashkevich      1.80 2013-04-23   
4KTV     Structural Insights Of Mat Enzymes: Mata2 ... Murray            3.30 2013-05-21   
4LBG     Crystal Structure Of Probable Sugar Kinas ... Malashkevich      1.50 2013-06-20   
4LBX     Crystal Structure Of Probable Sugar Kinas ... Malashkevich      1.70 2013-06-21   
4LC4     Crystal Structure Of Probable Sugar Kinas ... Malashkevich      1.70 2013-06-21   
4LCA     Crystal Structure Of Probable Sugar Kinas ... Malashkevich      1.50 2013-06-21   
4LVC     Crystal Structure Of S-Adenosyl-L-Homocys ... Manszewski        1.74 2013-07-26   
4N09     Structure Of Trypanosoma Brucei Brucei Ad ... Timm              2.60 2013-10-01   
4O0S     Crystal Structures Of Human Kinase Aurora A   Wang              2.50 2013-12-14   
4O0U     Crystal Structures Of Human Kinase Aurora A   Wang              2.60 2013-12-14   
4O0W     Crystal Structures Of Human Kinase Aurora A   Wang              2.60 2013-12-14   
4O8J     Crystal Structure Of Rtca, The RNA 3'-Ter ... Desai             2.04 2013-12-27   
4OGR     Crystal Structure Of P-Tefb Complex With  ... Schulze-Gahmen    3.00 2014-01-16   
4PD9     Structure Of Vccnt-7c8c Bound To Adenosine    Johnson           3.10 2014-04-17   
4PEV     Crystal Structure Of Abc Transporter Syst ... Chang             2.58 2014-04-25   
4PFJ     The Structure Of Bi-Acetylated Sahh           Kavran            2.30 2014-04-29   
4PGF     The Structure Of Mono-Acetylated Sahh         Kavran            2.59 2014-05-01   
4UCI     X-Ray Structure And Activities Of An Esse ... Paesen            2.21 2014-12-03   
4X3M     Crystal Structure Of Ttha0275 From Thermu ... Demirci           1.85 2014-12-01   
4XDR     Crystal Structure Of Treponema Pallidum T ... Tomchick          1.40 2014-12-19   
4XJ7     Crystal Structure Of E112a Mutant Of Stat ... Mathiharan        1.60 2015-01-08   
4ZME     Crystal Structure Of Alpha-Kinase Domain  ... Ye                1.98 2015-05-03   
5A1I     The Structure Of Human Mat2a In Complex W ... Murray            1.09 2015-04-30   
5AQF     Fragment-Based Screening Of Hsp70 Sheds L ... Jones             1.88 2015-09-22   
5AQY     Fragment-Based Screening Of Hsp70 Sheds L ... Jones             1.56 2015-09-22   
5AXA     Crystal Structure Of Mouse Sahh Complexed ... Kusakabe          1.55 2015-07-24   
5B6I     Structure Of Fluorinase From Streptomyces ... Xue               1.95 2016-05-29   
5HJI     Crystal Structure Of Pyrococcus Abyssi Tr ... Xie               2.20 2016-01-13   
5HM8     2.85 Angstrom Crystal Structure Of S-Aden ... Minasov           2.85 2016-01-15   
5KB5     Crystal Structure Of Adenosine Kinase Fro ... Oliveira          1.80 2016-06-02   
5KB6     High-Resolution Structure Of Adenosine Ki ... Oliveira          1.20 2016-06-02   
5KM9     Human Histidine Triad Nucleotide Binding  ... Maize             1.45 2016-06-26   
5LVN     Human Pdk1 Kinase Domain In Complex With  ... Schulze           1.38 2016-09-14   
5LW1     Crystal Structure Of Darpin-Darpin Rigid  ... Wu                3.20 2016-09-15   
5M5K     S-Adenosyl-L-Homocysteine Hydrolase From  ... Manszewski        1.84 2016-10-21   
5M66     Crystal Structure Of S-Adenosyl-L-Homocys ... Manszewski        1.95 2016-10-24   
5MVS     Crystal Structure Of Dot1l In Complex Wit ... Be                2.18 2017-01-17   
5TDM     Tev Cleaved Human Atp Citrate Lyase Bound ... Hu                2.10 2016-09-19   
5TDZ     Tev Cleaved Human Atp Citrate Lyase Bound ... Hu                2.00 2016-09-20   
5TOW     Crystal Structure Of Inactive Form Of S-A ... Czyrko            1.75 2016-10-19   
5US8     2.15 Angstrom Resolution Crystal Structur ... Minasov           2.15 2017-02-13   
5UTU     2.65 Angstrom Resolution Crystal Structur ... Minasov           2.65 2017-02-15   
5UVM     Hit Family Hydrolase From Clostridium The ... Habel             2.30 2017-02-20   
5V96     Crystal Structure Of S-Adenosyl-L-Homocys ... Seattle Struc ... 2.00 2017-03-23   
5XOO     The Structure Of Hydra Fam20 With Sugar       Zhang             2.85 2017-05-29   
6APH     Crystal Structure Of Adenosylhomocysteina ... Seattle Struc ... 1.65 2017-08-17   
6BNI     Crystal Structure Of Lysyl-tRNA Synthetas ... Seattle Struc ... 1.85 2017-11-16   
6BQ4     Crystal Structure Of Medicago Truncatula  ... Sekula            1.89 2017-11-27   
6D9H     Cryo-Em Structure Of Human Adenosine A1 R ... Draper-Joyce      3.60 2018-04-29   
6EXI     Nad-Free Crystal Structure Of S-Adenosyl- ... Manszewski        1.92 2017-11-08   
6F3M     Crystal Structure Of S-Adenosyl-L-Homocys ... Czyrko            1.60 2017-11-28   
6F3N     Crystal Structure Of S-Adenosyl-L-Homocys ... Czyrko            1.85 2017-11-28   
6FBO     Human Methionine Adenosyltransferase II M ... Panmanee          1.80 2017-12-19   
6FBP     Human Methionine Adenosyltransferase II M ... Panmanee          1.65 2017-12-19   
6FCD     Human Methionine Adenosyltransferase II M ... Panmanee          1.70 2017-12-20   
6FEK     Oncogenic Point Mutation Of Ret Receptor  ... Mcdonald          2.30 2018-01-02   
6GBN     Crystal Structure Of S-Adenosyl-L-Homocys ... Czyrko            2.09 2018-04-15   
6HXS     Human Parp16 (Artd15) In Complex With Car ... Karlberg          2.05 2018-10-18   
6J5Z     Crystal Structure Of Human Hint1 Mutant C ... Wang              1.30 2019-01-12   
6NRZ     Crystal Structure Of Lysyl-tRNA Synthetas ... Seattle Struc ... 2.10 2019-01-24   
6P9V     Crystal Structure Of Hmat Mutant K289l        Miller            2.05 2019-06-10   
6RVZ     Crystal Structure Of Angel2, A 2',3'-Cycl ... Kroupova          2.10 2019-06-03   
6SHU     Borrelia Burgdorferi Bmpd Nucleoside Bind ... Guedez            1.43 2019-08-08   
6SO9     Mouse Rbm20 Rrm Domain In Complex With Au ... Mackereth              2019-08-29   
6TTP     Crystal Structure Of Human Mettl3-Mettl14 ... Bedi              2.00 2019-12-30   
6UK3     Crystal Structure Of S-Adenosyl-L-Homocys ... Seattle Struc ... 1.40 2019-10-04   
6Y9U     Crystal Structure Of Pnra From S. Pneumon ... Batuecas          2.50 2020-03-10   
6YMJ     Crystal Structure Of Sam-Sah Riboswitch W ... Huang             2.04 2020-04-08   
7BF3     Crystal Structure Of Sars-Cov-2 Macrodoma ... Ni                2.00 2020-12-31   
7DCW     The Structure Of Arabidopsis Thaliana Gua ... Xie               2.30 2020-10-27   
7LD3     Cryo-Em Structure Of Human Adenosine A1 R ... Draper-Joyce      3.20 2021-01-12   
7LD4     Cryo-Em Structure Of Human Adenosine A1 R ... Draper-Joyce      3.30 2021-01-12   
7MXC     Prmt5:Mep50 Complexed With Adenosine          Mctigue           2.41 2021-05-18   
7O5L     Crystal Structure Of S-Adenosyl-L-Homocys ... Malecki           1.74 2021-04-08   
7O5M     Crystal Structure Of S-Adenosyl-L-Homocys ... Malecki           2.20 2021-04-08   
7P7F     Crystal Structure Of Phosphorylated Pt220 ... Chaikuad          1.96 2021-07-19   
7T6F     Structure Of Active Janus Kinase (Jak) Di ... Glassman          3.60 2021-12-13   

OCA© by Jaime Prilusky, 1996-2013,2015,2021,2024
Bioinformatics Unit
Weizmann Institute of Science