# OCA database search on: Sun Sep  8 02:59:10 2024
# Query: ex=any&ht=pro&m=du
# Hits: 146 (search time 0 sec)
1A16     Aminopeptidase P From E. Coli With The In ... Wilce             2.30 1997-12-22   
1E8K     Cyclophilin 3 Complexed With Dipeptide Al ... Wu                1.90 2000-09-25   
1H2Z     Prolyl Oligopeptidase From Porcine Brain, ... Rea               1.65 2002-08-20   
1H4T     Prolyl-tRNA Synthetase From Thermus Therm ... Yaremchuk         2.90 2001-05-14   
1O6F     Prolyl Oligopeptidase From Porcine Brain, ... Rea               1.60 2002-09-15   
1O6G     Prolyl Oligopeptidase From Porcine Brain, ... Rea               1.40 2002-09-15   
1PIN     Pin1 Peptidyl-Prolyl Cis-Trans Isomerase  ... Noel              1.35 1998-06-21   
1T2W     Crystal Structure Of Sortase A In Complex ... Zong              1.80 2004-04-23   
1XQY     Crystal Structure Of F1-Mutant S105a Comp ... Goettig           3.20 2004-10-13   
1XRP     Crystal Structure Of Active Site F1-Mutan ... Goettig           2.30 2004-10-15   
1XRR     Crystal Structure Of Active Site F1-Mutan ... Goettig           2.40 2004-10-15   
2AMF     Crystal Structure Of 1-Pyrroline-5-Carbox ... Nocek             2.20 2005-08-09   
2BH3     Zn Substituted E. Coli Aminopeptidase P I ... Graham            2.40 2005-01-07   
2BN7     Mn Substituted E. Coli Aminopeptidase P I ... Graham            2.40 2005-03-22   
2CFE     The 1.5 A Crystal Structure Of Malassezia ... Limacher          1.50 2006-02-20   
2CYH     Cyclophilin A Complexed With Dipeptide Al ... Zhao              1.64 1996-02-27   
2EIW     Crystal Analysis Of Delta1-Pyrroline-5-Ca ... Inagaki           1.90 2007-03-13   
2FZN     Structure Of E. Coli Puta Proline Dehydro ... Tanner            2.00 2006-02-09   
2IGV     Cyclophilin 3 Complexed With Dipeptide Se ... Kan               1.67 2006-09-25   
2IGW     Cyclophilin 3 Complexed With Dipeptide Gl ... Kan               1.78 2006-09-25   
2J40     1-Pyrroline-5-Carboxylate Dehydrogenase F ... Inagaki           2.10 2006-08-24   
2QER     Crystal Structure Of Cryptosporidium Parv ... Wernimont         2.17 2007-06-26   
2VVM     The Structure Of Mao-N-D5, A Variant Of M ... Atkin             1.85 2008-06-10   
2XU0     Crystal Structure Of Nts-Dbl1(Alpha-1) Do ... Juillerat         2.06 2010-10-14   
3AXB     Structure Of A Dye-Linked L-Proline Dehyd ... Sakuraba          1.92 2011-04-01   
3C03     Crystal Structure Of Escu C-Terminal Doma ... Zarivach          1.90 2008-01-18   
3CMM     Crystal Structure Of Uba1-Ubiquitin Complex   Lee               2.70 2008-03-23   
3CYH     Cyclophilin A Complexed With Dipeptide Se ... Zhao              1.90 1996-02-27   
3E2S     Crystal Structure Reduced Puta86-630 Muta ... Tanner            2.00 2008-08-06   
3FWE     Crystal Structure Of Apo D138l Cap Mutant     Sharma            2.30 2009-01-17   
3IJL     Structure Of Dipeptide Epimerase From Bac ... Fedorov           1.50 2009-08-04   
3IP6     Structure Of Atu2422-Gaba Receptor In Com ... Morera            1.40 2009-08-17   
3LKU     Crystal Structure Of S. Cerevisiae Get4 I ... Chartron          2.80 2010-01-27   
3N25     The Structure Of Muscle Pyruvate Kinase I ... Fenton            2.41 2010-05-17   
3N8H     Crystal Structure Of Pantoate-Beta-Alanin ... Maltseva          2.00 2010-05-28   
3QTT     Crystal Structure Of Pantoate-Beta-Alanin ... Maltseva          2.60 2011-02-23   
3VCA     Quaternary Ammonium Oxidative Demethylati ... Daughtry          1.59 2012-01-03   
3VCP     The 2.2 Angstrom Structure Of Stc2 With P ... Daughtry          2.20 2012-01-04   
3ZQS     Human Fancl Central Domain                    Hodson            2.00 2011-06-10   
4CYH     Cyclophilin A Complexed With Dipeptide Hi ... Zhao              2.10 1996-02-27   
4E3U     Crystal Structure Of Hen Egg White Lysozy ... Tanner            1.50 2012-03-10   
4E3V     Crystal Structure Of Xylose Isomerase Fro ... Tanner            1.50 2012-03-10   
4E3W     Crystal Structure Francisella Tularensis  ... Tanner            1.75 2012-03-10   
4E3X     Crystal Structure Of Mus Musculus 1-Pyrro ... Tanner            1.24 2012-03-10   
4JQI     Structure Of Active Beta-Arrestin1 Bound  ... Shukla            2.60 2013-03-20   
4K87     Crystal Structure Of Human Prolyl-tRNA Sy ... Hwang             2.30 2013-04-18   
4N1M     Structure Of Cyclophilin A In Complex Wit ... Mcnae             1.15 2013-10-04   
4P7W     L-Proline-Bound L-Proline Cis-4-Hydroxylase   Shomura           1.80 2014-03-28   
4QG6     Crystal Structure Of Pkm2-Y105e Mutant        Wang              3.21 2014-05-22   
4RDC     The Crystal Structure Of A Solute-Binding ... Tan               1.20 2014-09-18   
4UFB     Crystal Structure Of Angiotensin-1 Conver ... Masuyer           1.80 2015-03-16   
4WN9     Structure Of Nitrogenase Mofe Protein Fro ... Morrison          1.90 2014-10-11   
4Y48     Endothiapepsin In Complex With Fragment B50   Huschmann         1.25 2015-02-10   
5BSH     Crystal Structure Of Medicago Truncatula  ... Ruszkowski        2.10 2015-06-02   
5CYH     Cyclophilin A Complexed With Dipeptide Gl ... Zhao              2.10 1996-02-27   
5D7I     Structure Of Human Mr1-Ac-6-Fp In Complex ... Keller            2.00 2015-08-14   
5DIS     Crystal Structure Of A Crm1-Rangtp-Spn1 E ... Monecke           2.85 2015-09-01   
5F9Y     Crystal Structure Of Prolyl-tRNA Syntheta ... Seattle Struc ... 2.80 2015-12-10   
5H29     Crystal Structure Of Ntd_n/C Domain Of Al ... Balakrishna       2.30 2016-10-14   
5IFM     Human Nono (P54nrb) Homodimer                 Knott             2.60 2016-02-26   
5IHK     Crystal Structure Of Alpha Spectrin Sh3 D ... Camara-Artigas    1.35 2016-02-29   
5INR     A C69-Family Cysteine Dipeptidase In Comp ... Kono              1.65 2016-03-07   
5M4J     Crystal Structure Of Wild-Type Human Prol ... Wilk              1.55 2016-10-18   
5M4L     Crystal Structure Of Wild-Type Human Prol ... Wilk              1.49 2016-10-18   
5M4Q     Crystal Structure Of Wild-Type Human Prol ... Wilk              1.73 2016-10-18   
5MBY     Crystal Structure Of Arg184gln Mutant Of  ... Wilk              1.55 2016-11-09   
5MBZ     Crystal Structure Of Ser202phe Mutant Of  ... Wilk              1.50 2016-11-09   
5MC0     Crystal Structure Of Deltyr231 Mutant Of  ... Wilk              1.56 2016-11-09   
5MC1     Crystal Structure Of Asp276asn Mutant Of  ... Wilk              1.43 2016-11-09   
5MC2     Crystal Structure Of Gly278asp Mutant Of  ... Wilk              1.70 2016-11-09   
5MC3     Crystal Structure Of Glu412lys Mutant Of  ... Wilk              1.52 2016-11-09   
5MC4     Crystal Structure Of Gly448arg Mutant Of  ... Wilk              1.80 2016-11-09   
5MC5     Crystal Structure Of Delglu452 Mutant Of  ... Wilk              1.90 2016-11-09   
5NBX     Enah Evh1 In Complex With Ac-[2-Cl-F]-Pp- ... Barone            1.65 2017-03-02   
5O1O     Crystal Structure Of Human Aminoadipate S ... Kopec             2.48 2017-05-18   
5ORF     Structure Of Ovine Serum Albumin In P1 Sp ... Talaj             2.54 2017-08-16   
5OTB     Structure Of Caprine Serum Albumin In P1  ... Talaj             2.50 2017-08-21   
5T88     Prolyl Oligopeptidase From Pyrococcus Fur ... Ellis-Guardiola   1.90 2016-09-06   
5U2V     Structure Of Human Mr1-Hmb In Complex Wit ... Keller            2.20 2016-12-01   
5U56     Structure Of Francisella Tularensis Heter ... Cuthbert          2.65 2016-12-06   
5UAU     Structure Of Human Pycr-1 Complexed With  ... Tanner            1.90 2016-12-20   
5VAD     Crystal Structure Of Human Prolyl-tRNA Sy ... Okada             2.36 2017-03-24   
5WZE     The Structure Of Pseudomonas Aeruginosa A ... Bao               1.78 2017-01-17   
5XA3     Crystal Structure Of P450bm3 With Benzylo ... Shoji             2.20 2017-03-10   
5YP3     Crystal Structure Of Dipeptidyl Peptidase ... Roppongi          2.44 2017-11-01   
5YP4     Crystal Structure Of Dipeptidyl Peptidase ... Roppongi          1.90 2017-11-01   
5YU3     Structural Basis For Recognition Of L-Lys ... Min               1.79 2017-11-20   
5ZS6     Dodecameric Structure Of A Small Heat Sho ... Bhandari          2.81 2018-04-28   
5ZW8     Piga With Fad And Proline                     Lee               1.69 2018-05-14   
6AF6     Piga With Fad And Proline                     Lee               1.62 2018-08-08   
6B4E     Crystal Structure Of Saccharomyces Cerevi ... Lin               1.75 2017-09-26   
6BSN     Structure Of Proline Utilization A (Puta) ... Tanner            2.15 2017-12-04   
6D7J     The Crystal Structure Of Parabacteroides  ... Little            2.24 2018-04-24   
6DVO     Crystal Structure Of Danio Rerio Histone  ... Porter            1.98 2018-06-24   
6EGN     Crystal Structure Of A Three-Stranded Coi ... Ruckthong         1.84 2018-08-20   
6EHJ     Human N-Myristoyltransferase (Nmt1) With  ... Perez-Dorado      2.10 2017-09-13   
6EMF     Crystal Structure Of Rrp1 From Chaetomium ... Ahmed             2.65 2017-10-02   
6H2Q     Crystal Structure Of Arg184gln Mutant Of  ... Wilk              1.78 2018-07-14   
6IOS     The Ligand Binding Domain Of Mlp24 With P ... Takahashi         2.35 2018-10-31   
6J7C     Crystal Structure Of Proline Racemase-Lik ... Watanabe          2.70 2019-01-17   
6MNI     Structure Of Tandem Cache Domain Of Pscc      Johnston          1.70 2018-10-01   
6NAB     Crystal Structure Of Prolyl-tRNA Syntheta ... Seattle Struc ... 2.00 2018-12-05   
6NAG     X-Ray Structure Of A Secreted C11 Cystein ... Wolan             2.68 2018-12-05   
6Q0G     Crystal Structure Of Ligand-Binding Domai ... Ud-Din            2.00 2019-08-01   
6QSC     Crystal Structure Of Arg470his Mutant Of  ... Wilk              1.57 2019-02-20   
6RNG     Dipeptide Gly-Pro Binds To A Glycolytic E ... Shahar            2.15 2019-05-08   
6SRE     Crystal Structure Of Human Prolidase S202 ... Wator             1.39 2019-09-05   
6SRF     Crystal Structure Of Human Prolidase G278 ... Wator             1.85 2019-09-05   
6SRG     Crystal Structure Of Human Prolidase G448 ... Wator             2.56 2019-09-05   
6T3E     Structure Of Thermococcus Litoralis Delta ... Ferraris          2.60 2019-10-10   
6T7K     Crystal Structure Of Prolyl-tRNA Syntheta ... Johansson         1.79 2019-10-22   
6X9C     Structure Of Proline Utilization A With L ... Tanner            1.44 2020-06-02   
6YB6     Thrombin In Complex With D-Phe-Pro-3-Chlo ... Sandner           1.33 2020-03-16   
6YHG     Thrombin In Complex With D-Phe-Pro-M-Meth ... Sandner           1.33 2020-03-29   
6YWT     Human Ompd-Domain Of Umps (K314ack) In Co ... Tittmann          1.05 2020-04-30   
6ZM9     Phage Sam Lyase In Complex With S-Methyl- ... Guo               1.45 2020-07-02   
6ZWY     Ompd-Domain Of Human Umps In Complex With ... Tittmann          1.00 2020-07-29   
6ZX1     Ompd-Domain Of Human Umps In Complex With ... Tittmann          1.00 2020-07-29   
6ZX2     Ompd-Domain Of Human Umps In Complex With ... Tittmann          1.20 2020-07-29   
6ZX3     Ompd-Domain Of Human Umps In Complex With ... Tittmann          1.15 2020-07-29   
7AAG     Crystal Structure Of Human Phosphodiester ... Singh             1.79 2020-09-04   
7BBU     Crystal Structure Of Human Prolyl-tRNA Sy ... Johansson         2.19 2020-12-18   
7BEM     Crystal Structure Of Receptor Binding Dom ... Zhou              2.52 2020-12-24   
7DT0     Proline Hydroxylase H11-N101i Mutant          Gong              2.43 2021-01-04   
7DZZ     Trans-3/4-Proline-Hydroxylase H11-Statev      Gong              1.95 2021-01-26   
7E00     Trans-Proline-Hydroxylase H11 With Succin ... Gong              1.92 2021-01-26   
7E01     Trans-3/4-Proline-Hydroxylase H11 In The  ... Gong              1.72 2021-01-26   
7E07     Trans-3/4-Proline-Hydroxylase H11 With Ak ... Gong              2.14 2021-01-27   
7EVV     Co-Crystal Structure Of Toxoplasma Gondii ... Malhotra          1.70 2021-05-22   
7K5N     Ligand Binding Domain (Tandem Pas/Dcache) ... Sweeney           1.80 2020-09-17   
7KD5     Structure Of C-Terminal Domain Of Menangl ... Webby             1.55 2020-10-08   
7KMH     Ly-Cov488 Neutralizing Antibody Against S ... Hendle            1.72 2020-11-02   
7M31     Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase (Dpd) C67 ... Butrin            1.69 2021-03-18   
7M32     Dihydropyrimidine Dehydrogenase (Dpd) C67 ... Butrin            1.82 2021-03-18   
7OSY     Human Prolyl-tRNA Synthetase In Complex W ... Pang              2.23 2021-06-09   
7OSZ     Human Prolyl-tRNA Synthetase In Complex W ... Pang              2.46 2021-06-09   
7OT0     Human Prolyl-tRNA Synthetase In Complex W ... Pang              2.32 2021-06-09   
7OT1     Human Prolyl-tRNA Synthetase In Complex W ... Pang              2.71 2021-06-09   
7OT2     Human Prolyl-tRNA Synthetase In Complex W ... Pang              2.48 2021-06-09   
7OT3     Human Prolyl-tRNA Synthetase In Complex W ... Pang              2.53 2021-06-09   
7OUZ     Human Ompd-Domain Of Umps In Complex With ... Rindfleisch       0.90 2021-06-14   
7OV0     Orotidine 5'-Monophosphate Decarboxylase- ... Rindfleisch       0.95 2021-06-14   
7Q1H     Variant D312n Of Orotidine 5'-Monophospha ... Rabe Von Papp ... 1.31 2021-10-20   
7QB7     Crystal Structure Of Prolyl-tRNA Syntheta ... Johansson         1.90 2021-11-18   
7QC2     Crystal Structure Of Prolyl-tRNA Syntheta ... Johansson         2.28 2021-11-22   
7QNO     Crystal Structure Of Ligand-Free Danio Re ... Kempf             2.38 2021-12-21   

OCA© by Jaime Prilusky, 1996-2013,2015,2021,2024
Bioinformatics Unit
Weizmann Institute of Science