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Query results: 137 entries
FieldPartial HitsYour query
Gene Ontology ID138GO:0004866 (endopeptidase inhibitor activity ) AND
Structure Determination190841ANY Method
Please select the entry or entries that you want to focus on, and click on the 'Retrieve data' button.
PDBid  Short description of the entry               Author       Resolution 
You may also select multiple lines on the list or select ALL 137 matches
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[Download] this list of 137 ID codes for further reference.
Each "molecule" in the database is assigned a unique 4-character code, called its PDB identification code.
Short description:
This is an abbreviated version of the title of the data file. It does not always have enough information to decide whether the file is of interest. If you can't tell, select the file to obtain more information.
Last name of the first author of the PDB data file.
Resolution in Angstroms for X-ray diffraction results. The uncertainty of the position of an atom is roughly one fifth to one tenth of the resolution for high-quality data (R-factor 0.20 or less, succinctly explained on p 160 by Rhodes). Resolution values are not applicable, and so not given, for NMR results or theoretical models.



















OCA© by Jaime Prilusky, 1996-2013,2015,2021,2024
Bioinformatics Unit
Weizmann Institute of Science