3GTJ Transcription, Transferase Dna-Rna Hybri date Mar 27, 2009
title Backtracked Rna Polymerase II Complex With 13mer Rna
authors D.Wang, D.A.Bushnell, X.Huang, K.D.Westover, M.Levitt, R.D.Kornbe
compound source
Molecule: Dna-Directed Rna Polymerase II Subunit Rpb1
Chain: A
Fragment: Dna-Directed Rna Polymerase II Largest Subunit
Synonym: Rna Polymerase II Subunit B1, Rna Polymerase II Su Dna-Directed Rna Polymerase III Largest Subunit, Rna Polyme Subunit B220;
Organism_scientific: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Organism_common: Yeast
Organism_taxid: 4932

Molecule: Dna-Directed Rna Polymerase II Subunit Rpb2
Chain: B
Fragment: Dna-Directed Rna Polymerase II 140 Kda Polypeptid
Synonym: Rna Polymerase II Subunit 2, Dna-Directed Rna Poly 140 Kda Polypeptide, B150;

Organism_scientific: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Organism_common: Yeast
Organism_taxid: 4932

Molecule: Dna-Directed Rna Polymerase II Subunit Rpb3
Chain: C
Fragment: Dna-Directed Rna Polymerase II 45 Kda Polypeptide
Synonym: Rna Polymerase II Subunit B3, Rna Polymerase II Su Dna-Directed Rna Polymerase II 45 Kda Polypeptide, B44.5;

Organism_scientific: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Organism_common: Yeast
Organism_taxid: 4932

Molecule: Dna-Directed Rna Polymerases I, II, And III Subun
Chain: E
Fragment: Dna-Directed Rna Polymerases I, II, And III 27 Kd Polypeptide;
Synonym: Rna Polymerases I, II, And III Subunit Abc1, Dna-D Rna Polymerases I, II, And III 27 Kda Polypeptide, Abc27;

Organism_scientific: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Organism_common: Yeast
Organism_taxid: 4932

Molecule: Dna-Directed Rna Polymerases I, II, And III Subun
Chain: F
Fragment: Dna-Directed Rna Polymerases I, II, And III 23 Kd Polypeptide;
Synonym: Rna Polymerases I, II, And III Subunit Abc2, Dna-D Rna Polymerases I, II, And III 23 Kda Polypeptide, Abc23;

Organism_scientific: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Organism_common: Yeast
Organism_taxid: 4932

Molecule: Dna-Directed Rna Polymerases I, II, And III Subun
Chain: H
Fragment: Dna-Directed Rna Polymerases I, II, And III 14.5 Polypeptide;
Synonym: Rna Polymerases I, II, And III Subunit Abc3, Dna-D Rna Polymerases I, II, And III 14.5 Kda Polypeptide, Abc14. Abc14.4;

Organism_scientific: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Organism_common: Yeast
Organism_taxid: 4932

Molecule: Dna-Directed Rna Polymerase II Subunit Rpb9
Chain: I
Fragment: Dna-Directed Rna Polymerase II Subunit 9
Synonym: Rna Polymerase II Subunit B9, Dna-Directed Rna Pol Subunit 9, Dna-Directed Rna Polymerase II 14.2 Kda Polypept B12.6;

Organism_scientific: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Organism_common: Yeast
Organism_taxid: 4932

Molecule: Dna-Directed Rna Polymerases I, II, And III Subun
Chain: J
Fragment: Dna-Directed Rna Polymerases IIIIII Subunit 10
Synonym: Rna Polymerases I, II, And III Subunit Abc5, Dna-D Rna Polymerases I, II, And III 8.3 Kda Polypeptide, Abc10-B

Organism_scientific: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Organism_common: Yeast
Organism_taxid: 4932

Molecule: Dna-Directed Rna Polymerase II Subunit Rpb11
Chain: K
Fragment: Dna-Directed Rna Polymerase II 13.6 Kda Polypepti
Synonym: Rna Polymerase II Subunit B11, Dna-Directed Rna Po II 13.6 Kda Polypeptide, B13.6;

Organism_scientific: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Organism_common: Yeast
Organism_taxid: 4932

Molecule: Dna-Directed Rna Polymerases I, II, And III Subun
Chain: L
Fragment: Dna-Directed Rna Polymerases I, II, And III 7.7 K Polypeptide;
Synonym: Rna Polymerases I, II, And III Subunit Abc4, Abc10

Organism_scientific: Saccharomyces Cerevisiae
Organism_common: Yeast
Organism_taxid: 4932

Molecule: Rna (5'-R(Apupcpgpapgpapgpgpapupgpc)
Chain: R
Fragment: Rna Strand
Engineered: Yes
Other_details: Rna Strand

Synthetic: Yes
Other_details: Synthetic Rna

Molecule: Dna (28-Mer)
Chain: T
Fragment: Dna Template Strand
Engineered: Yes
Other_details: Dna Template Strand

Synthetic: Yes
Other_details: Synthetic Template Dna

Molecule: Dna (5'-D(Cptpgpcptptpaptpcpgpgptpap
Chain: N
Fragment: Dna Non-Template Strand
Engineered: Yes
Other_details: Dna Non-Template Strand

Synthetic: Yes
Other_details: Synthetic Non-Template Dna
symmetry Space Group: C 1 2 1
R_factor 0.282 R_Free 0.292
length a length b length c angle alpha angle beta angle gamma
170.916 225.500 195.932 90.00 101.21 90.00
method X-Ray Diffractionresolution 3.42 Å
ligand MG, ZN enzyme Transferase E.C. BRENDA
  • RNA-directed 5'-3' RNA polym...

  • B
  • RNA-directed 5'-3' RNA polym...

  • C
  • RNA-directed 5'-3' RNA polym...

  • E
  • RNA-directed 5'-3' RNA polym...

  • F
  • RNA-directed 5'-3' RNA polym...

  • H
  • RNA-directed 5'-3' RNA polym...

  • I
  • RNA-directed 5'-3' RNA polym...

  • J
  • RNA-directed 5'-3' RNA polym...

  • DNA-directed RNA polymerase ...
  • K
  • RNA-directed 5'-3' RNA polym...

  • L
  • RNA-directed 5'-3' RNA polym...

  • Primary referenceStructural basis of transcription: backtracked RNA polymerase II at 3.4 angstrom resolution., Wang D, Bushnell DA, Huang X, Westover KD, Levitt M, Kornberg RD, Science. 2009 May 29;324(5931):1203-6. PMID:19478184
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  • SWISS-PROT database: [P20434] [P20435] [P20436] [P40422] [P22139] [P38902] [P04050] [P08518] [P16370] [P27999]
  • Domains found in 3GTJ: [RNA_pol_Rpb6] [RPOL8c] [RPOL9] [RPOLA_N] [RPOLCX] [RPOLD] [ZnF_C2C2 ] by SMART
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