3UNE date
compound source
length a length b length c angle alpha angle beta angle gamma
method X-Ray Diffractionresolution
D, f, t, R

O, c, q, A

U, G, i, w

W, k, I, y

X, l, z, J

Y, 1, K, m

d, P, B, r

e, C, s, Q

g, E, u, S

h, v, F, T

n, Z, 2, L

o, M, a, 3

p, b, x, H, 4, j, N, V

Primary referenceImmuno- and constitutive proteasome crystal structures reveal differences in substrate and inhibitor specificity., Huber EM, Basler M, Schwab R, Heinemeyer W, Kirk CJ, Groettrup M, Groll M, Cell. 2012 Feb 17;148(4):727-38. PMID:22341445
Data retrieval
  • Asymmetric unit, PDB entry: [header only] [complete with coordinates] (4061 Kb) [Save to disk]
  • Biological Unit Coordinates (3une.pdb1.gz) 2025 Kb
  • Biological Unit Coordinates (3une.pdb2.gz) 2042 Kb
  • CSU: Contacts of Structural Units for 3UNE
  • Structure Factors (1932 Kb)
  • Retrieve 3UNE in mmCIF format [Save to disk]
  • SEQRES to COORDINATES correlation for 3UNE from S2C, [Save to disk]
  • Re-refined 3une structure from PDB_REDO, a databank with updated and optimised macromolecular X-ray diffraction structure models
  • View 3UNE in 3D
  • Proteopedia, because life has more than 2D.
  • On Jmol, a nice Rasmol like molecule viewer. This is good for easiest viewing of basic structure.
  • On FirstGlance, an excellent tool for a guided tour on the structure components, by E. Martz.
  • Structure-derived information
  • Dipole moment, from Dipole Server at Weizmann Institute
  • Sequence-derived information
  • View one-letter amino acid or nucleotide sequence for each chain: [3une] [3une_1] [3une_2] [3une_3] [3une_4] [3une_A] [3une_B] [3une_C] [3une_D] [3une_E] [3une_F] [3une_G] [3une_H] [3une_I] [3une_J] [3une_K] [3une_L] [3une_M] [3une_N] [3une_O] [3une_P] [3une_Q] [3une_R] [3une_S] [3une_T] [3une_U] [3une_V] [3une_W] [3une_X] [3une_Y] [3une_Z] [3une_a] [3une_b] [3une_c] [3une_d] [3une_e] [3une_f] [3une_g] [3une_h] [3une_i] [3une_j] [3une_k] [3une_l] [3une_m] [3une_n] [3une_o] [3une_p] [3une_q] [3une_r] [3une_s] [3une_t] [3une_u] [3une_v] [3une_w] [3une_x] [3une_y] [3une_z]
  • SWISS-PROT database:
  • Domain found in 3UNE: [Proteasome_A_N ] by SMART

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    Bioinformatics Unit
    Weizmann Institute of Science