1F6N |
date |
![](/oca-docs/img/proteopedia20.png) |
authors | |
compound |
source |
symmetry | |
crystal cell |
length a |
length b |
length c |
angle alpha |
angle beta |
angle gamma |
method | X-Ray Diffraction | resolution | |
ligand | BCL, BPH, FE, LDA, PO4, SPO, U10
| enzyme |
related structures | by homologous chain: 1JGW, 1UMX |
Gene Ontology | |
Primary reference | X-ray structure analyses of photosynthetic reaction center variants from Rhodobacter sphaeroides: structural changes induced by point mutations at position L209 modulate electron and proton transfer., Kuglstatter A, Ermler U, Michel H, Baciou L, Fritzsch G, Biochemistry 2001 Apr 10;40(14):4253-60. PMID:11284681 |