1KE5 date
compound source
length a length b length c angle alpha angle beta angle gamma
method X-Ray Diffractionresolution
ligand LS1 enzyme
related structures by homologous chain: 1DI8, 1WCC

Primary referenceOxindole-based inhibitors of cyclin-dependent kinase 2 (CDK2): design, synthesis, enzymatic activities, and X-ray crystallographic analysis., Bramson HN, Corona J, Davis ST, Dickerson SH, Edelstein M, Frye SV, Gampe RT Jr, Harris PA, Hassell A, Holmes WD, Hunter RN, Lackey KE, Lovejoy B, Luzzio MJ, Montana V, Rocque WJ, Rusnak D, Shewchuk L, Veal JM, Walker DH, Kuyper LF, J Med Chem 2001 Dec 6;44(25):4339-58. PMID:11728181
Data retrieval
  • Asymmetric unit, PDB entry: [header only] [complete with coordinates] (53 Kb) [Save to disk]
  • Biological Unit Coordinates (1ke5.pdb1.gz) 48 Kb
  • LPC: Ligand-Protein Contacts for 1KE5
  • CSU: Contacts of Structural Units for 1KE5
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  • SEQRES to COORDINATES correlation for 1KE5 from S2C, [Save to disk]
  • Re-refined 1ke5 structure from PDB_REDO, a databank with updated and optimised macromolecular X-ray diffraction structure models
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  • Proteopedia, because life has more than 2D.
  • On Jmol, a nice Rasmol like molecule viewer. This is good for easiest viewing of basic structure.
  • On FirstGlance, an excellent tool for a guided tour on the structure components, by E. Martz.
  • Structure-derived information
  • Dipole moment, from Dipole Server at Weizmann Institute
  • Sequence-derived information
  • View one-letter amino acid or nucleotide sequence for each chain: [1ke5] [1ke5_A]
  • SWISS-PROT database: [P24941]
  • Domain found in 1KE5: [S_TKc ] by SMART

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    Bioinformatics Unit
    Weizmann Institute of Science