1P8Z |
date |
authors | |
compound |
source |
symmetry | |
crystal cell |
length a |
length b |
length c |
angle alpha |
angle beta |
angle gamma |
method | X-Ray Diffraction | resolution | |
ligand | ATP, CA, CD
| enzyme |
related structures | by homologous chain: 1D0N, 1HLU, 1RGI, 2BTF, 2VIK |
Gene Ontology |
Chain | Function | Process | Component | A |
G |
Primary reference | From the first to the second domain of gelsolin: a common path on the surface of actin?, Irobi E, Burtnick LD, Urosev D, Narayan K, Robinson RC, FEBS Lett 2003 Sep 25;552(2-3):86-90. PMID:14527665 |