1QHH |
date |
authors | |
compound |
source |
symmetry | |
crystal cell |
length a |
length b |
length c |
angle alpha |
angle beta |
angle gamma |
method | X-Ray Diffraction | resolution | |
ligand | ATP
| enzyme |
note | 1QHH is a representative structure |
related structures | by homologous chain: 1QHG, 2PJR |
Gene Ontology |
Chain | Function | Process | Component | A |
B |
C |
D |
Primary reference | DNA binding mediates conformational changes and metal ion coordination in the active site of PcrA helicase., Soultanas P, Dillingham MS, Velankar SS, Wigley DB, J Mol Biol 1999 Jul 2;290(1):137-48. PMID:10388562 |