1TBG |
date |
authors | |
compound |
source |
symmetry | |
crystal cell |
length a |
length b |
length c |
angle alpha |
angle beta |
angle gamma |
method | X-Ray Diffraction | resolution | |
note | 1TBG (Molecule of the Month:pdb58) |
related structures | by homologous chain: 1GOT, 1GP2, 2TRC |
Gene Ontology |
Chain | Function | Process | Component | B, D, A, C |
E, G, H, F |
Primary reference | Crystal structure of a G-protein beta gamma dimer at 2.1A resolution., Sondek J, Bohm A, Lambright DG, Hamm HE, Sigler PB, Nature 1996 Jan 25;379(6563):369-74. PMID:8552196 |