1EHZ date
compound source
length a length b length c angle alpha angle beta angle gamma
method X-Ray Diffractionresolution
ligand 1MA, 2MG, 5MC, 5MU, 7MG, H2U, M2G, MG, MN, OMC, OMG, PSU, YYG enzyme
Primary referenceThe crystal structure of yeast phenylalanine tRNA at 1.93 A resolution: a classic structure revisited., Shi H, Moore PB, RNA 2000 Aug;6(8):1091-105. PMID:10943889
Data retrieval
  • Asymmetric unit, PDB entry: [header only] [complete with coordinates] (45 Kb) [Save to disk]
  • Biological Unit Coordinates (1ehz.pdb1.gz) 37 Kb
  • LPC: Ligand-Protein Contacts for 1EHZ
  • CSU: Contacts of Structural Units for 1EHZ
  • Likely Quarternary Molecular Structure file(s) for 1EHZ
  • Structure Factors (246 Kb)
  • Retrieve 1EHZ in mmCIF format [Save to disk]
  • SEQRES to COORDINATES correlation for 1EHZ from S2C, [Save to disk]
  • Re-refined 1ehz structure from PDB_REDO, a databank with updated and optimised macromolecular X-ray diffraction structure models
  • View 1EHZ in 3D
  • Proteopedia, because life has more than 2D.
  • On Jmol, a nice Rasmol like molecule viewer. This is good for easiest viewing of basic structure.
  • On FirstGlance, an excellent tool for a guided tour on the structure components, by E. Martz.
  • Structure-derived information
  • Dipole moment, from Dipole Server at Weizmann Institute
  • Sequence-derived information
  • View one-letter amino acid or nucleotide sequence for each chain: [1ehz] [1ehz_A]
  • SWISS-PROT database:

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    Bioinformatics Unit
    Weizmann Institute of Science