1LXG |
date |
authors | |
compound |
source |
symmetry | |
crystal cell |
length a |
length b |
length c |
angle alpha |
angle beta |
angle gamma |
method | X-Ray Diffraction, 10 Models | resolution | |
related structures | by homologous chain: 1LXH |
Gene Ontology | |
Primary reference | NMR-based binding screen and structural analysis of the complex formed between alpha-cobratoxin and an 18-mer cognate peptide derived from the alpha 1 subunit of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor from Torpedo californica., Zeng H, Hawrot E, J Biol Chem 2002 Oct 4;277(40):37439-45. Epub 2002 Jul 19. PMID:12133834 |