4G9C date
compound source
length a length b length c angle alpha angle beta angle gamma
method X-Ray Diffractionresolution
ligand 0WP enzyme
A, B

Primary referencePyrazolopyridine inhibitors of B-Raf(V600E). Part 4: rational design and kinase selectivity profile of cell potent type II inhibitors., Wenglowsky S, Moreno D, Laird ER, Gloor SL, Ren L, Risom T, Rudolph J, Sturgis HL, Voegtli WC, Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 2012 Oct 1;22(19):6237-41. doi: 10.1016/j.bmcl.2012.08.007., Epub 2012 Aug 10. PMID:22954737
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  • Biological Unit Coordinates (4g9c.pdb1.gz) 44 Kb
  • Biological Unit Coordinates (4g9c.pdb2.gz) 44 Kb
  • LPC: Ligand-Protein Contacts for 4G9C
  • CSU: Contacts of Structural Units for 4G9C
  • Structure Factors (107 Kb)
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  • SEQRES to COORDINATES correlation for 4G9C from S2C, [Save to disk]
  • Re-refined 4g9c structure from PDB_REDO, a databank with updated and optimised macromolecular X-ray diffraction structure models
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  • Proteopedia, because life has more than 2D.
  • On Jmol, a nice Rasmol like molecule viewer. This is good for easiest viewing of basic structure.
  • On FirstGlance, an excellent tool for a guided tour on the structure components, by E. Martz.
  • Structure-derived information
  • Dipole moment, from Dipole Server at Weizmann Institute
  • Sequence-derived information
  • View one-letter amino acid or nucleotide sequence for each chain: [4g9c] [4g9c_A] [4g9c_B]
  • SWISS-PROT database:
  • Domain found in 4G9C: [STYKc ] by SMART

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    Bioinformatics Unit
    Weizmann Institute of Science